Summary Questions
Compiler Phases
- Lexical analysis
- Syntactic analysis
- Semantic analysis
Attributed AST
- Intermediate code generation
- Optimization
- Target code generation
- Lexeme is a string corresponding to a token
- Token is a symbolic name
- Parse tree a tree that spans all tokens
- AST a tree with only the essential structure and tokens
- Formal language all strings you can form from the language
- Ambiguous lexical definition when regexps overlap, to prevent this: longest match and rule priority
- LL left-to-right scan leftmost derivation - builds top down
- LR left-to-right scan rightmost derivation - builds bottom up
- LR-item states in a DFA (i.e. that which is on the stack)
- LR-state where you're reading right now in the parsing, represented by dot
- Shift-reduce when you don't know if you should shift or reduce
- are resolved by using precedence rules
- Reduce-reduce when you don't know which production you should use to reduce
- LR vs LALR (look-ahead LR): LR produces large tables, thus LALR is used in practice
- GLR - generalised LR, can parse any grammar, including ambiguous grammars
- Expression problem: the goal is to define a datatype by cases, where one
can add new cases to the datatype and new functions over the datatype,
without recompiling existing code, and while retaining static type safety
- In functional programming it is easy to extend functionality but not types
- In OO-programming it is easy to add types but not extend functionality
Visitor pattern: each node to be visited has an accept method that accepts a visitor and a data object
public interface Visitor { public Object visit(ASTNode node, Object data); } public Object ASTNode.accept(Visitor visitor, Object data) { return visitor.visit(this, data); }
the visitor class then performs some operation on each node. For instance a PrintVisitor might print the AST
Qualified access "typ a.b()" alltså metodanrop - Andrée Ekroth
Demand evaluation lazy val, values are cached
Intrinsic attriutes internal attributes like ID - constructed when building the AST
Side-effects are not allowed in equations, since the equations are cached
Left factoring
Exp -> Name Params | Name
Exp -> Name OptParams
OptParams -> Params
OptParams -> epsilong