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Kurser / EDA230-optcomp / questions / week4

  1. Operator Strength Reduction
  2. A graph of connected variables
  3. See bellow
  4. A variable defined by a multiplication of an induction variable and a region constant is found. The multiplication is then replaced by an addition
  5. The purpose of linear functon test replacement is to replace the bound calculation of a loop thus eliminating the need for an index. OSR would in this case have replaced the dereferencing by a pointer incrementation as bellow:

    After OSR: c float *p = &a[0]; for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { s += *p; p++; } After linear function test replacement: c float *p = &a[0]; float *u = &a[100]; while (p < u) { s += *p; p++; } As noted above, this eliminates the need for an index.

  6. A vertex is control dependent on vertex u if:

    1. there exists a non-null path from u to v and v post dominates every vertex on the path after u
    2. v does not strictly post dominate u
  7. After the CFG has been created a DFS from start vertex s is performed, all unvisited vertices are deleted. Then all statements which cannot effect program output is deleted. This is performed with a live analysis:

* All statements which directly affect output are marked as prelive
* Their operands mark additional statements as live and so forth
* Reads are marked prelive, otherwise the input would get out of sync

When a branch statement is marked live, the operands deciding the branch
should also be marked live.

The Simplify function takes the analysed code and removes vertices which
aren't live. As such, it needs to update the edges to and from the live 
vertices surrounding the dead vertex.
The procedure also needs to handle the updating of PHI functions.
When a vertex is bypassed the function also recreates the dominator tree.



Is a strongly conneced component in the control flow graph G

Region constant

Is either a compile-time constant, or a variable whose definition strictly dominates every vertex in the region

Induction variable

A variable is an induction variable with respect to a region if within the region it is only incremented or decremented by a region constant

Strongly connected component

A set of vertices S, such that for every u,v belonging to S there is a path between u and v.

Tarjan's Algorithm

Do a DFS of the CFG and push each discovered node to a stack S, when an already visited node is encountered this node becomes the lowlink of all the nodes on the stack S. This is then considered a SCC.

If there are more nodes after this, repeat the above. The result is then a separate SCC.