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Kurser / EDAF15-algimp / sammanfattnigar / Sammanfattning_Felix_Andy


Branch Prediction

Pipelined processors use speculative computing to be more efficient. This means that they will need to guess the outcome of a branch. This can be done with the help of a Branch History Table, where the results of the last branches are stored. Without this optimization, instructions following the branch cannot be loaded until the outcome has been determined.

Rename Registers

Are used to eliminate anti- and output dependencies. The concerned hazards are write after read and write after write.

Reorder buffer

The reorder buffer is used for out-of-order execution. It allows instructions to be committed in-order. I.e. instructions may be executed out of order but the result of the program, is the same as if it wasn't rearranged.

Direct mapped cache

In a direct map cache there's a function that maps the address to a particular row, so only one comparator is needed (i = addr % CACHE_SIZE).

Set associative cache

Maps address to set instead of row. I.e. a specific set will be searched for the wanted row. Done with comparators (see below).

Fully associative cache

Look through each row in the cache for the wanted address. Done with comparators, that execute the lookup in parallel. For real applications this is unfeasible since there would have to a lot of comparators. The space can be utilized in a better way.

Temporal locality

Objects are close in time, i.e. used near each other in time

Spatial locality

Objects are close to each other in memory. For best cache performance, objects that are used closely in time should be kept close spatially as well.


Reduced instruction set computer


For each line in the cache set, they compare the address of the stored one with the requested address.

Block size

The number of bytes fetched when a cache miss occurs. To benefit from spatial locality, it should be at least 32 bytes. With a large block size, a miss might overwrite data that will be read next. I.e. few of the loaded bytes will be of use

Arithmetic shift

When dividing value by a power of two, we can shift the numerator right same number of times as the order of the denominator (i.e. 4 times for 16 and 2 times for 4). When this is done with negative integers we need to add one to the solution if the computed value is not a power of two.

True dependence

An instruction I_1is followed by I_2. If I_1 produces a value that I_2 needs, then there is a true dependence between them. Stalls caused by these cannot be avoided by the processor.

Anti dependence

I_1 will read a value that a later instruction will overwrite. The latter needs to wait until it is safe to overwrite the value. Can be avoided with rename registers.

Output dependence

Two instructions will overwrite a location and their writes must happen in that order. Can be avoided with rename registers.

Input dependence

Two instructions will read the same location. This does not impact execution.

Common questions

Explain why a five-stage pipelined RISC processor usually does not see a five-time speedup when running most programs.

Pipeline stalls due to taken branches Pipeline stalls due to sequences such as a load directly followed by use of the fetched value Delay due to cache miss Instructions such as divide taking multiple cycles to execute

Describe a program that can come close to a five-time speedup

A program which does not suffer cache misses, and none of the other problems above, which sometimes can be achieved by loop-unrolling and many integer computations

How is chaos averted when using speculative execution? (I.e. that a register or memory location is modified only if it should be)

The CPU will fetch the instructions for the guessed outcome of the branch. But it is not allowed to modify memory until it knows for certain that the branch was taken. If it was incorrect the instructions fetched are simply ignored and the correct instructions are fetched. It uses register renaming to avoid corrupting the actual registers until it knows if the branch was taken or not. If it should predict wrong, it will need to invalidate the instructions. For this, the reorder buffer is used.

Why do we not have fully associative caches in CPUs?

We would need too many comparators (parallel lookup units) to find the wanted address. The space needed can be better utilized by other components.

What is the purpose of having sets in a cache?

The purpose is to reduce the risk of two or more addresses being mapped to the same row in the cache. This would result in cache misses as the value would be overwritten many times. Set associative caches are used to divide the cache so that the need for comparators is minimized.

In a 4-way set associative cache, where can the data at memory address A be placed?

In one of the sets defined by a function (i = addr % CACHE_SIZE). The sets will each contain four cache blocks, thus the need for the same amount of comparators (since the address may be placed anywhere within the cache block).

When reallocating memory, what is the advantage of realloc over a combination of malloc and free?

With malloc you can run out of memory in a situation where realloc would find memory. realloc also has a chance to be faster.

Write a function to check that a void pointer ptr has a value which is a multiple of size_t a

#include <stdint.h>

int aligned(void *ptr, size_t a)
        /* We know that 'a' is a power of two, i.e. only has one bit set to one.
         * This means that if we subtract 1 from this number we get 'k' ones.
         * Where k comes from `a = 2^k`.
         * If 'ptr' is a multiple of 'a', then all of its least significant bits
         * will be zero.
         * Example: a = 4 and ptr contains 48
         * Then                    a   == 0b100
         *                         a-1 == 0b011
         *                         ptr == 0b110000
         *      (uintptr_t)ptr & (a-1) == 110000 & 011 == 0
        uintptr_t b = (uintptr_t)ptr;
        return (b & (a - 1)) == 0;

Checking if something is a power of two

bool two_power(int x)
        /* The idea of the right side is explained in the 'aligned'
         * function above
         * If a < 0 || a == INT_MIN, then this would yield true, despite
         * not being a powers of two
        return x > 0 && (x & (x-1)) == 0;



Counts exact execution counts for each source line as well as branch frequencies (taken/non-taken). Needs special flags for the compilation and affects compiler optimization.


Execution times are shown for the different functions and the number of times each function is called and by which function. Same disadvantages as gcov.


Can count the number of times certain events happen such as: clock cycles, executed instructions cache misses. Can be presented at source code level or instruction level. Advantages over gcov/gprof are that it does not need special flags and should be used with the highest level of optimization. A disadvantage is that to change what it should count, the user must have root privileges on the machine.


Can detect many kinds of pointer and memory allocation errors. It can also produce statistics of heap memory usage and cache performance. Doesn't require flags, but works best when debugging information is available. Is much slower than other tools (e.g. 100 times slower execution).


Cachegrind is used for performance measurement of the cache and the processor's branch prediction. In contrast to valgrind, it is better to enable optimization (and -g). Is used together with valgrind valgrind --cache-sim=no --branch-sim=yes --tool=cachegrind....


Measures the amount of heap memory different parts of a program allocates. Is used valgrind to generate data. Can be plotted in nice graphs.


Prints to a file or to stderr each system call a process makes, with arguments and return value, as well as signals it receives.



Macro for allocating on the stack used when the data size is reasonable and it isn't returned from the allocating function


A chunk of memory allocated at once. Used instead of making many calls to malloc. When all the work is complete, the arena can be deallocated at once. This makes arenas useful when many calls to free occur at once.


If it happens often that objects of the same size are allocated and deallocated, they can be put in a free-list instead of deallocating them using free. If the objects are of different sizes or only deallocated near the end of an execution, free-lists are not useful.

Arithmetic and Logical Shift

Arithmetic shift keeps the sign, logical will shift in zeros. To get logical shift, you need an unsigned. To get an arithmetic, simply use a signed type.

OBS! Shifting right is not standardized to be logical or arithmetic. Meaning it is up to the compiler implementation to decide. Usually, the above applies (GCC and Clang), but it doesn't have to. Write a program to test your compiler.

Below is an implementation of getting the ones in an unsigned long long

unsigned count(unsigned long long a)
    unsigned ones = 0;

    for (; a > 0; a >>= 1)
            if (a & 1) ones++;

    return ones;

Rearranging fields in structs

This is not allowed to be done by the compiler. To minimize the struct size, you need to arrange the fields such that the alignment padding is minimized.